Learning Center
Nutrition & Recipes
Does Diet Really Matter for Weight Loss?
If you want to acheive a total-body transformation and think you can eat healthy only 80% of the time, think again.
Nutrition & Recipes
3 Ways To Get Your Nutrition on Track
Amy Jo Palmquest, who has helped thousands of people with their nutrition goals, shares three areas in need of an overhaul.
Science & Supplements
What Should I Take After My Workout?
Recovery is the name of the game when it comes to post-workout nutrition, specifically after a weight-training session. Why?
Health & Wellness
How Do I Get Rid of Visceral Fat?
When we think of “fat,” we tend to think of subcutaneous fat, which is the fat just underneath our skin that we can pinch and feel. However, there is another type of fat that’s “hidden.” It’s calle...
Weight Loss
5 Tips for Transformation Success
If weight loss was at the top of your list when it came to setting goals for 2022, how are things going so far?
Fitness & Workouts
How To Get Back Into a Fitness Routine
Have you taken a long break from working out due to an injury, pregnancy, the pandemic or burnout? Here are six tips for success!
Fitness & Workouts
Re-Balance Low Back with Upward Dog
Crunches, crunches, and more crunches. As a physique-minded fitness enthusiast, do you train your abs every day? Even if crunches aren’t your go-to, chances are you include ab work. Ab work require...
Fitness & Workouts
4 Reasons You Aren't Seeing Results
Are these four things keeping you from achieving your health and fitness goals? Here's how to overcome them!
Health & Wellness
What's a Good Way to Start My Day?
Here are three positive, productive and proven ways to start your day and set yourself up for success.