Fit Dad Bod Workouts

Fit Dad Bod Workouts

Fiber and Fat Loss Reading Fit Dad Bod Workouts 3 minutes Next Fit Mom Aims to Inspire Others

Will Smith recently made headlines talking about how out of shape his “Dad Bod” had become. He’s not alone. With a global pandemic lockdown, gym closures, life turned totally upside down and children being home 24/7, plenty of dads out there packed on some extra pounds in 2020. 

The key is to get back to it! To help, here are two workouts courtesy of long-time trainer and Nutrishop Pro Shop owner Amy Jo Palmquest. The first is an upper-body day, and the second is a lower-body day. By splitting up the upper and lower body, you’ll get more bang for your buck because you’ll be able to build muscle faster and burn more calories while you’re at it! 

If you’re easing back into working out again after taking some time off, then do the upper-body workout on one day (i.e. Monday) and the lower body workout on the next day (i.e. Tuesday). Rest a day or two and repeat (i.e. upper on Friday and lower on Saturday) for a total of four workout sessions each week. If these workouts start feeling too easy, then it’s time to progress. 

WORKOUT #1: Upper Body Day 

Beginners: Perform 3 sets of 15 reps per exercise (except pushups)
Advanced: Use a heavier weight and perform 4 sets of 10 reps per exercise


  • Dumbbell Incline Chest Press 
  • Wide Grip Push Ups to Failure (hands are out wider than shoulders)


  • Seated Rows 
  • Pull-ups 



  • Barbell Bicep Curls 


WORKOUT #2: Lower Body Day 

Beginners: Perform 3 sets of 15 reps per exercise (except pushups)
Advanced: Use a heavier weight and perform 4 sets of 10 reps per exercise

Remember, your kids are watching you and you're the example. Help train them up to be healthy and fit, too! You can even get them involved in your workouts! 

Kid Holding Dumbells With Pops Behind Him

Nutrition Matters

While working out and lifting weights is GREAT for transforming your dad bod, we would be remiss if we didn't mention nutrition. Here are two tips to keep in mind from Amy Jo Palmquest.

1. Eat carbs before and after your workout. Most people eat more carbs than they need, even though carbs are needed for good energy. Limit your carbohydrate intake to before and after your workout. 

2. Eat protein, fruit and vegetables with all meals. These contain more nutrients and water that will help keep you full for a longer period of time. 

If you want futher help transforming your body, feel free to stop by your local Nutrishop store and speak with an experienced nutrition expert who can help educate and guide you on the best path to reach your health and fitness goals!