Chase McNary: Mind. Body. Spirit

Chase McNary: Mind. Body. Spirit

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Mind, Body, and Spirit. Three elements that enable one to attain greatness when aligned with passion and goals. For celebrity television persona, Chase McNary, his newly found entrepreneurship goals channeled what he calls – The Mind, Body and Spirit of a ‘Fitness Lion.’ This propelled this Denver native from the cool mountains of Colorado to the sunny beaches of Southern California to establish himself as a new fitness model ready to make his mark in the fitness world. 

As the founder and CEO of Left Side Lion Fitness (LSL Fitness), Chase explains that his Mind, Body and Spirit’ Fitness Lion’ mantra drives his company vision. “Each element depends on another -- body isn’t just physical; it’s also a mindset,” he says. “If you can resist the urge to quit when you’re tired during a workout, then you can resist the urge to quit or give up in all areas of your life or dreams.”


After putting a thriving career in medical device sales at Zimmer Biomet Corporation on hold and appearing in the homes of so many fans from ABC’s The Bachelorette, Chase ventured into entrepreneurship and co-founded LeisureLetics, a popular athletic-wear brand touting comfortable, breathable fashions, launching with athletic and fitness clothing tailored to women. 

“After receiving so much love and support from fans everywhere,” says Chase, “I felt like creating a brand devoted towards them; something that would connect us on a fitness level just seemed so right.” 

Chase didn’t stop there. His move to Los Angeles in spring 2017 initiated his full-time transition to entrepreneurship and devoting himself towards his fitness brand, signing with a top L.A.-based modeling agency and also a talent management group. 

Chase realized within only a month of being in L.A. that his mind transitioned into the ‘Fitness Lion’ that he was destined to be. As a new celebrity face in the fitness modeling world, hitting the ground running with top national fitness brand apparel endorsements, Chase committed to centering his lifestyle and business goals towards fitness. 

Chase’s new ‘Fitness Lion’ mentality and move to L.A. gave birth to his health and fitness company: Left Side Lion Fitness (LSL Fitness). This company features online personal training, physical challenges and nutritional plans, all crafted by the avid fitness aficionado, with help from leading nutritionists and personal trainers. Remaining connected with his fans through social media, Chase continues to work to improve the lives of others through constant mental and physical training.


Almost every day, Chase, at 6’ 3”, 200 pounds, holds himself to a promise of getting to the gym and keeping his heart rate high through a well-planned workout. Chase describes his style of training as “high intensity with a heavy emphasis on core stability during every workout.” This means lots of supersets, compound sets, abs between sets and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Chase incorporates as much core stability as possible in each workout – this includes lots of single sided functional movements. 

Through LSL Fitness, users can find some of his secrets, including “high interval-training workouts” kicked up hardcore to reflect my current no-nonsense fitness regimen. Chase stresses the importance of keeping a low body fat is not all about lifting; rather, “keeping a simple diet and eating clean is a lifestyle and is the only way to keep a low body fat year around.” In fact, “meal prep” makes all the difference, with an emphasis on high-protein diets while avoiding sugar at all costs. Keeping his body aligned with his mind as a ‘Fitness Lion’ is crucial to the growth of Chase’s fitness brand.


“Declare yourself as bold as a lion for he who is in you is greater than he who is in this world” – a quote, which Chase has adopted and declares in every aspect of his lifestyle. 

“It was this quote, along with Disney’s The Lion King, that inspired not only a bold mindset, but also my body art – my tattoo of a roaring lion,” says Chase. The lion on Chase’s left torso, the inspiration for his company, Left Side Lion, continues to remind Chase that he can achieve new levels every day, and by doing so, he can improve the lives of others around him. 

Chase firmly believes that channeling the power and energy we all hold internally to create the world we envision starts with our thoughts and inner beliefs. It is the totality of the proper mind, body and spirit that has molded Chase McNary into the entrepreneur he is today.

Chase says, “After experiencing life in the corporate world and television, I have finally found my passion in life as a fitness persona and entrepreneur. My Mind, Body and Soul are aligned with my goals and lifestyle, and this ‘Fitness Lion’ is ready to roar and claim my turf.”

Find Chase on social @Chase_Brody_McNary